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z/OS System Services Structure


Inhalt des Trainings

This course presents the structure and control blocks of the z/OS BCP and system services. It prepares the new z/OS system programmer to identify potential bottlenecks and performance problems, perform initial error symptom gathering, and identify opportunities and requirements for tailoring an z/OS system. This course also provides prerequisite information needed for further training in specialized areas such as system measurement and tuning and system problem determination.

Training Paths that reference this course are:
  • z/OS Installation, Tuning, JES, and REXX Programming and Problem Diagnosis
  • Zielgruppen

    • This basic course is for z/OS system programmers who are new to z/OS installation, customization, measurement and tuning, or problem determination are the primary audience for this course.Subsystem programmers will also benefit from this class.


    • multiprocessing, multiprogramming, virtual storage and paging, and multiple address space/data space architecture
    • Explain how paging and swapping are accomplished through the interaction of real/central, expanded, auxiliary, and virtual storage in an z/OS system
    • Explain the role of the dispatcher, interrupts, SVCs, the program manager, and serialization in managing work in an z/OS system
    • State the role of z/OS software and hardware components in handling an I/O request for data on a direct access storage device
    • These prerequisites can be met through on the job training or completion of z/OS Facilities.
    • Note: A fundamental knowledge of hexadecimal notation, assembler language, and z/Architecture instruction execution will enhance your understanding of the course material. Completion of Assembler Language Coding Workshop or Assembler Language Series is recommended.


    1. Day 1
      1. Welcome
      2. Unit 1 - z/OS system introduction
    2. Day 2
      1. Unit 2 - Operating environment initialization
      2. Unit 3 - Task management
    3. Day 3
      1. Unit 4 - Addressability
      2. Unit 5 - Input/Output supervisor
    4. Day 4
      1. Unit 6 - Storage management
      2. Unit 7 - Recovery termination manager
    5. Day 5
      1. Unit 7 - Recovery termination manager (Continued)



    Ab  4.265,-*

    *Preis pro Teilnehmer*in ohne Zusatzoptionen, exkl. MwSt.

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