Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Solution Architect


    Der Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations-Lösungsarchitekt*in ist ein vertrauenswürdiger Berater*in , der/die sich mit Organisationen und Mitgliedern des Implementierungsteams in Verbindung setzt, um Geschäftsanforderungen in eine klar definierte und kostengünstige Lösung zu übersetzen? Der/die Architekt*in ist für die Integrität und erfolgreiche Umsetzung des gesamten Lösungsdesigns verantwortlich. Der/die Architekt*in stellt während des restlichen Projektlebenszyklus einen wichtigen Leitfaden sowie Unterstützung vom Vorverkauf bereit.

    Sie besitzen fundierte Kenntnisse und Erfahrung beim Entwerfen von Lösungen, die geschäftsspezifische Anforderungen erfüllen. Der/die Lösungsarchitekt*in verfügt möglicherweise über einen technischen, funktionalen oder branchenspezifischen Hintergrund. Der Lösungsarchitekt*in muss Kenntnisse über alle Dynamics 365-Apps sowie über Power Platform nachweisen. Sie müssen über ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis der Finance and Operations-Apps verfügen. Darüber hinaus verfügen sie über umfassende Domänenkenntnisse in mindestens einer Branche. Dieser Kurs soll diejenigen, die Lösungsarchitekten werden möchten, und diejenigen, die neu in dieser Rolle sind, darauf vorbereiten, mehr über die technischen Details informieren, mit denen Lösungsarchitekten während der Implementierung zu tun haben.


    Architect solutions for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
    • Becoming a solution architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
    • Discover customer needs as a Solution Architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
    • Propose a solution as a Solution Architect for Microsoft Poer Platform and Dynamics 365
    • Work with requirements for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365
    • Perform fit gap analysis

    Use Lifecycle Services to design and plan an implementation of finance and operations apps
    • Getstarted with Lifecycle Services for finance and operations apps
    • Design and plan an implementation of finance and operations apps

    Migrate data and go live with finance and operations apps
    • Prepare data for migration for finance and operations apps
    • Work with data management in finance and operations apps
    • Perform user acceptance testing in finance and operations apps
    • Prepare to go-live with finance and operations apps
    Implement finance and operations apps
    • Get started with a finance and operations implementation project
    • Get startet with Lifecycle Services for finance and operations apps
    • Design and plan an implementation of finance and operations apps
    • Perform user acceptance testing in finance and operations apps
    • Work with data managemengt in finance and operations apps
    • Prepare data for migration to finance and operations apps
    • Implement application liecycle management in finance and operations apps
    • Explore extensions and the extension framework in finance and operations apps
    • Consume business events in finance and operations apps
    • Identify data integration patterns and scenarios in finance and operations apps
    • Data integrations with finance and operations apps
    • Work with analytics and reporting in finance and operations apps
    • Describe the business value of the Microsoft Poer Platform
    • Describe how to build applications with Microsoft Power Apps
    • Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Power BI
    • Describe building automation with Microsoft Power Automate
    • Set up and build mobile experiences for finance and operations apps
    • Updates and ugrades for finance and operations apps
    • Work with performance and monitoring tools in finance and operations apps
    • Plan and implement security in finance and operations apps
    • Implement role-based security in finance and operations apps
    • Prepare to go-live with finance and operations apps
    • Feature management in finance and operations apps
    Use Success by Design for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Get started with Success by Design for Dynamics 365
    • Create a solution blueprint for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Plan a testing strategy for your Dynamics 365 solution 
    • Design data models for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Business intelligence and analytics design for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Gap solution design for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Create a data migration strategy for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Review the security model for your Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Plan and implement security in finance and operations apps
    • Integration design for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Dual-write implementation for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Implement a performance strategy for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • Cutover strategy for Dynamics 365 solutions
    • post go-live strategy for Dynamics 365 solutions
    Configure apps in finance and operations
    • Get started with configuration and personalization in finance and operations apps
    • Configure your user inteface in fnance and operations apps
    • Configure your data in finance and operations apps
    Validate your skills architecting solutions for customers and products
    • Propose a solution as a Solution Architect for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365
    • Discover customer needs as a Solution Architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
    • Perform fit gap analysis
    • Implement application lifecycle management in finance and operations apps
    • Challenge project - Architecting solutions for a new product line for customers


    Die/der Teilnehmer*innen dieses Trainings sollten über frühere Erfahrungen mit funktionalen oder technischen Schwerpunkten in Dynamics 365 verfügen: Finance and Operations Applications. Vor allem für diejenigen, die eine Rolle als Lösungsarchitekt anstreben.


    Wichtige Information

    Dieses Training behandelt prüfungsrelevante Themen zum Microsoft Examen:
    MB-700: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Solution Architect 


      5 Tage ab  3.080,-
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      • 19.05.-23.05.2025 19.05.2025 5 Tage 5T Online ab  3.080,-

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        • Trainingspreis inkl. Zertifizierung Online  3.245,-
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        • Trainingspreis Online  3.080,-
      • 02.06.-06.06.2025 02.06.2025 5 Tage 5T Online ab  3.080,-

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        • Trainingspreis inkl. Zertifizierung Online  3.245,-
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      • 04.08.-08.08.2025 04.08.2025 5 Tage 5T Online ab  3.080,-

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        • Trainingspreis inkl. Zertifizierung Online  3.245,-
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        • Trainingspreis Online  3.080,-
      • 03.11.-07.11.2025 03.11.2025 5 Tage 5T Online ab  3.080,-

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        • Trainingspreis inkl. Zertifizierung Online  3.245,-
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        • Trainingspreis Online  3.080,-

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      1 Bewertung

      • Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Solution Architect

        13.12.2023 — Aleksei B.

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