Generative künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird durch einfach zu verwendende Plattformen wie Azure KI Studio immer zugänglicher. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie generative KI-Anwendungen wie benutzerdefinierte Copilots erstellen, die Sprachmodelle und Prompt flow verwenden, um Ihren Benutzern einen Mehrwert zu bieten.
Introduction to Azure AI Foundry
- What is Azure AI Foundry?
- How does Azure AI Foundry work
- When to use Azure AI Foundry
- Explore the language models in the model catalog
- Deploy a model to an endpoint
- Improve the performance of a language model
- Understand the development lifecycle of a large language model (LLM) app
- Understand core components and explore flow types
- Explore connections and runtimes
- Explore variants and monitoring options
- Understand how to ground your language model
- Make your data searchable
- Build an agent with prompt flow
- Understand when to fine-tune a language model
- Prepare your data to fine-tune a chat completion model
- Explore fine-tuning language models in Azure AI Studio
- Assess the model performance
- Manually evaluate the performance of a model
- Assess the performance of your generative AI apps
- Plan a responsible generative AI solution
- Identify potential harms
- Measure potential harms
- Mitigate potential harms
- Operate a responsible generative AI solution
- Intermediate
- Data Scientist
- AI Engineer
- Azure AI services
Bevor Sie mit diesem Modul beginnen, sollten Sie sich mit grundlegenden KI-Konzepten und -Diensten in Azure vertraut machen.