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Develop generative AI apps in Azure AI Foundry portal

Microsoft Applied Skills


    Generative künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird durch einfach zu verwendende Plattformen wie Azure KI Studio immer zugänglicher. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie generative KI-Anwendungen wie benutzerdefinierte Copilots erstellen, die Sprachmodelle und Prompt flow verwenden, um Ihren Benutzern einen Mehrwert zu bieten.


    Introduction to Azure AI Foundry
    • What is Azure AI Foundry?
    • How does Azure AI Foundry work
    • When to use Azure AI Foundry
    Explore and deploy models from the model catalog in Azure AI Foundry portal
    • Explore the language models in the model catalog
    • Deploy a model to an endpoint
    • Improve the performance of a language model
    Get started with prompt flow to develop language model apps in the Azure AI Foundry
    • Understand the development lifecycle of a large language model (LLM) app
    • Understand core components and explore flow types
    • Explore connections and runtimes
    • Explore variants and monitoring options
    Build a RAG-based agent with your own data using Azure AI Foundry
    • Understand how to ground your language model
    • Make your data searchable
    • Build an agent with prompt flow
    Fine-tune a language model with Azure AI Foundry
    • Understand when to fine-tune a language model
    • Prepare your data to fine-tune a chat completion model
    • Explore fine-tuning language models in Azure AI Studio
    Evaluate the performance of generative AI apps with Azure AI Foundry
    • Assess the model performance
    • Manually evaluate the performance of a model
    • Assess the performance of your generative AI apps
    Responsible generative AI
    • Plan a responsible generative AI solution
    • Identify potential harms
    • Measure potential harms
    • Mitigate potential harms
    • Operate a responsible generative AI solution


    • Intermediate
    • Data Scientist
    • AI Engineer
    • Azure AI services


    Bevor Sie mit diesem Modul beginnen, sollten Sie sich mit grundlegenden KI-Konzepten und -Diensten in Azure vertraut machen. 


      12 Monate

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