The course dives deep into the Amazon Redshift service and the current thinking in building and operating data analytics pipelines to turn data into insights. You can ask questions and get real-time feedback from expert AWS instructors to immediately apply to your data analytics solutions. You’ll build a data warehouse analytics workflow based on a real-world scenario with the content learned through tutorials, hands-on labs, discussion, demonstration, presentations, and group exercises.
- Compare the features and benefits of data warehouse, data lakes, and modern data architectures
- Design and implement a data warehouse analytics solution
- Identify and apply appropriate techniques, including compression, to optimize data storage
- Select and deploy appropriate options to ingest, transform, and store data
- Choose the appropriate instance and node types, clusters, auto scaling, and network topology for a particular business use case
- And much more
- Data warehouse engineers
- Data platform engineers
- Architects and operators who build and manage data analytics pipelines
- Completed either AWS Technical Essentials or Architecting on AWS
- Completed Building Data Lakes on AWS