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Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI with Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Applied Skills


    Erkunden Sie den Data Science-Prozess und lernen Sie, wie Sie maschinelle Lernmodelle trainieren, um künstliche Intelligenz in Microsoft Fabric zu erreichen.


    Get started with data science in Microsoft Fabric
    • Understand the data science process
    • Explore and process data with Microsoft Fabric
    • Train and score models with Microsoft Fabric
    Explore data for data science with notebooks in Microsoft Fabric
    • Explore notebooks
    • Load data for exploration
    • Understand data distribution
    • Check for missing data in notebooks
    • Apply advanced data exploration techniques
    • Visualize charts in notebooks
    Preprocess data with Data Wrangler in Microsoft Fabric
    • Understand Data Wrangler
    • Perform data exploration
    • Handle missing data
    • Transform data with operators
    Train and track machine learning models with MLflow in Microsoft Fabric
    • Understand how to train machine learning models
    • Train and track models with MLflow and experiments
    • Manage models in Microsoft Fabric
    Generate batch predictions using a deployed model in Microsoft Fabric
    • Customize the model's behavior for batch scoring
    • Prepare data before generating predictions
    • Generate and save predictions to a Delta table


    • Anfänger
    • Data Scientist
    • Datenanalyst
    • Datentechniker


    Sie sollten mit grundlegenden Datenkonzepten und der zugehörigen Terminologie vertraut sein.

    Wichtige Information

    Dieses Applied Skill hilft Ihnen, sich auf das Exam DP-600: Implementieren von Analyselösungen mit Microsoft Fabric (Beta) vorzubereiten.


      0.5 Tage ab  515,-
      Termin anfragen
      12 Monate

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