Verwalten von Datenlebenszyklus, Datensatzverwaltung, eDiscovery und Kommunikationscompliance mit Microsoft Purview.
Implement and manage retention with Microsoft Purview
- Overview of retention with Microsoft Purview
- Create and configure retention policies
- Create and configure adaptive scopes
- Create and publish retention labels
- Apply retention labels across Microsoft 365 services
- Configure event-based retention
- Create and manage auto-apply retention labels
- Declare records by using retention label
- Conduct disposition reviews
- Explore Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)
- Implement Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)
- Create and manage an eDiscovery (Premium) case
- Manage custodians and non-custodial data sources
- Collect content for a case
- Review and manage case content
- Introduction to communication compliance
- Plan for communication compliance
- Identify and resolve communication compliance workflow
- Introduction to communication compliance policies
- Communication compliance with Copilot for Microsoft 365
- Knowledge check
- Case study--Configure an offensive language policy
- Investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts
Fortgeschrittene Anfänger
- Grundlegendes Verständnis von Datengovernance- und Compliancekonzepten
- Vertrautheit mit Microsoft Purview und dessen Oberfläche
- Kenntnisse von Datenlebenszyklusverwaltungs-Prinzipien
- Erfahrung mit eDiscovery-Prozessen
- Bewusstsein für Anforderungen an die Kommunikationscompliance