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VBT Microsoft Planner - English


    This video-based training comprises a total of 14 video-learning nuggets on the subject of Microsoft Planner. You will learn how to create a plan and how to visualize the status with Charts.

    After completing this seminar, the participants will have knowledge on the following Topics:
    • Planner Basics
    • Working as a Team
    • Visualization


    Planner Basics
    • Overview
    • Creating and deleting a plan
    • Managing tasks
    • Working with buckets and labels
    • Addding and working with a checklist
    • Moving a task
    • Completing tasks

    Working as a Team
    • Overview
    • Assigning a task
    • Using files, photos or links in Planner
    • Adding comments
    • Adding details to a task

    • Overview
    • Displaying charts on the progress of your plan


    People who want to use Microsoft Planner effectively.


    For this seminar no special previous knowledge is necessary.

    Wichtige Information

    This VBT content will be available to you on the ETC trainIT Plattform for a total of 30 days. The use of the platform is already included in the price! 


      21 Minuten  10,-

      On Demand

      Dieses Training kann als onDemand Termin gebucht werden.


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